The Singers at the Buffalo Summer Institute

by Gary Powell

Buffalo, New York Singers

Top Row
Jennifer Waris, Patrick James, Jay Dref, Samantha Will, Jillian Ambrose, Barbara Levy Daniels, Danielle Calato
Middle Row
Colton Rudloff, Ashley Kate Alaimo, Kelly Warner, Collin Ranney, Samantha Taglienti, Katie Ralyea, Amanda Nagurney,
Bottom Row
Eva Burger, Caitlin Koch, Auria Fuentes, Chelsey Zimmerman, Rita Bella, Toni Silveri, Sarah Russell


Ted Kryczko, Vice President of Product Development for Walt Disney Records, invited me to co-teach a class for singers at The Buffalo Summer Institute in Media Writing and Production in Buffalo, NY. The twenty-one singers pictured above showed up probably not knowing exactly what to expect from us. We, also, had no expectations about the level of talent that might show up.

The singers represent all age groups and presented songs from broadway, jazz, pop, coutnry and R&B. First of all, these people can sing. There is hardly anything more fun for me than to work with singers in groups, especially after we all get over ourselves. Finding our illusive “voice” in an event competitively styled to promise a real opportunity in the music business is a challenge for everyone. I suspect at the bottom of searching for a “break” are people who are sincerely intestested in learning to make better music and learning to be better communicators with their instruments.

All these people are going to sing throughout their lives….that’s clear or maybe just my fantasy. But, they are all that good and my wish for all of them is that they contiunue to learn and grow and bring their gifts and discipline to their communities and the world.

Later, I’ll give a more detailed post about this week-long class and what we all learned together.

by Gary Powell

Buffalo, New York Singers

Top Row
Jennifer Waris, Patrick James, Jay Dref, Samantha Will, Jillian Ambrose, Barbara Levy Daniels, Danielle Calato
Middle Row
Colton Rudloff, Ashley Kate Alaimo, Kelly Warner, Collin Ranney, Samantha Taglienti, Katie Ralyea, Amanda Nagurney,
Bottom Row
Eva Burger, Caitlin Koch, Auria Fuentes, Chelsey Zimmerman, Rita Bella, Toni Silveri, Sarah Russell


Ted Kryczko, Vice President of Product Development for Walt Disney Records, invited me to co-teach a class for singers at The Buffalo Summer Institute in Media Writing and Production in Buffalo, NY. The twenty-one singers pictured above showed up probably not knowing exactly what to expect from us. We, also, had no expectations about the level of talent that might show up.

The singers represent all age groups and presented songs from broadway, jazz, pop, coutnry and R&B. First of all, these people can sing. There is hardly anything more fun for me than to work with singers in groups, especially after we all get over ourselves. Finding our illusive “voice” in an event competitively styled to promise a real opportunity in the music business is a challenge for everyone. I suspect at the bottom of searching for a “break” are people who are sincerely intestested in learning to make better music and learning to be better communicators with their instruments.

All these people are going to sing throughout their lives….that’s clear or maybe just my fantasy. But, they are all that good and my wish for all of them is that they contiunue to learn and grow and bring their gifts and discipline to their communities and the world.

Later, I’ll give a more detailed post about this week-long class and what we all learned together.

8 thoughts on “The Singers at the Buffalo Summer Institute”

  1. Gary, what kind of music genres should I listen to? I really enjoy this workshop!!

  2. This Group rocks…Buffalo does have talent just waiting to be heard.
    Gary has helped each and every one of us tremendously speaking for myself and
    probably everyone else…hes an awsome voice coach that has opened my ears up to alot of new atributes of singing. Thanks Gary

  3. Hi how are you, I just wanted to write because I didnt really get the time to talk to you and Ted personally. There was a lot of competition in the class but I am glad that I had the experience because now I know a lot more about Disney.I am definatley planning on getting an internship to Disney in my sophmore year of college and hopefully will be asked to stay with them for a career. So I will continue to follow my dreams and not let anything get in my way, take things day by day and never give up. I really wish I could of said more but I don’t want to blabble on so thank you for this experience.

    *AKA~William Hung’s girlfriend

  4. I can’t believe what a great experience this was. Working with Gary was wicked !!!! I feel like I am ready to make a few new steps that I could not have made without participating in this workshop. The methods used were so alike and unlike any I have ever experienced before and proved to me that no matter how good YOU THINK you are there is GREAT room to grow. Everyone has a light inside of them that shines brighter than what we tap into. Thank You Gary for making that light just a little brighter !!

  5. Gary,
    Heyyy what’s up? So, I was wondering what genre of music I should listen to or who I should listen to? This class was AWESOME!!!!!! It was probably the best week of my life musically. I had a blast. I learned so much this week. Now there are so many more things I can be aware of while I sing to improve. It was such a great experience Thanks again, I’ll never give up.

  6. gary i just wanted to write and let you know how much fun i had this week, i’m very sad that it’s already over. I have learned sooo much. thank you. I also was wondering who or what I should listen to musically. thanks for everything!

  7. GARY! I am so greatful that I had the privilege to work with both you & Ted. Both of you have an amazing PASSION for music, and it’s amazing what you both have accomplished. Music means more to me then anythig else. Being around proffessionals that have such a great passion alone was incredible. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve taught me. ~Rita

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