Larry Seyer’s Acoustic Drum Library

I’ve been a fan of GigaStudio since it first came out. I’ve also been working with Larry Seyer in the studio since 1978. He’s played guitar and/or mixed over 100 albums I’ve produced. The Larry Seyer Acoustic Bass library has been a staple with me for years and now he’s given us the Acoustic Drum Library. Check out his site and download the video demo which is a quick tutorial of the library all shot in my studio. The sounds are awesome and so is the interface.

I’ve been a fan of GigaStudio since it first came out. I’ve also been working with Larry Seyer in the studio since 1978. He’s played guitar and/or mixed over 100 albums I’ve produced. The Larry Seyer Acoustic Bass library has been a staple with me for years and now he’s given us the Acoustic Drum Library. Check out his site and download the video demo which is a quick tutorial of the library all shot in my studio. The sounds are awesome and so is the interface.

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