
(A Gabe Folse Film)

Guilty Movie Poster
Just entering the film festival season is Glendalough Studio’s first feature film Guilty.

As my first entree into the feature film scoring role, I found the process of musically interpreting the work of filmmaker Gabe Folse and his team intriguing. In my experience of scoring dozens of corporate communications videos, I was seldom asked to render emotions musically, even had I found any emotions to render. Gabe Folse’s movie is rich with layers of visual, scripted and acted emotions. Clearly, this is film was born from living the compromises of a closely examined life. This landscape of compromise and redemption is the place where music lives most naturally for me.

A modern film-noir, GUILTY is the story of a washed-up private investigator Frank Cord, who takes on a high profile murder case that leads him down a path of deception, reflection and a chance at redemption.

Tonight, December 11th, is Glendalough Studio’s first private screening of the film at Austin Studios. Best of luck to all of the many talented people involved.

Written, Produced and Directed by Gabriel Folse
Produced by Greg McCreight
Music Composed by Gary Powell

Guilty Movie Poster
Just entering the film festival season is Glendalough Studio’s first feature film Guilty.

As my first entree into the feature film scoring role, I found the process of musically interpreting the work of filmmaker Gabe Folse and his team intriguing. In my experience of scoring dozens of corporate communications videos, I was seldom asked to render emotions musically, even had I found any emotions to render. Gabe Folse’s movie is rich with layers of visual, scripted and acted emotions. Clearly, this is film was born from living the compromises of a closely examined life. This landscape of compromise and redemption is the place where music lives most naturally for me.

A modern film-noir, GUILTY is the story of a washed-up private investigator Frank Cord, who takes on a high profile murder case that leads him down a path of deception, reflection and a chance at redemption.

Tonight, December 11th, is Glendalough Studio’s first private screening of the film at Austin Studios. Best of luck to all of the many talented people involved.

Written, Produced and Directed by Gabriel Folse
Produced by Greg McCreight
Music Composed by Gary Powell

One thought on “


(A Gabe Folse Film)”
  1. Gary Powell is a great resource for anyone looking to enter the music industry, whether it’s in Austin, New York or any other market. His varied and prolific resume allows him to provide insights into many aspects of the business that can help potential music executives as they attempt to get a foot in the door.

    Thank you, Mr. Powell, for taking the time to speak with me. I appreciate your generosity and will take you advice to heart as I continue on my journey.

    – Leslie Flynn

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